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Cypher Climate Brokers

We are climate brokers connecting the private sector with the rural economy to facilitate carbon removal and nature recovery across the UK. Providing direct access to the highest quality carbon credits and biodiversity units available in the UK.

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We create bespoke natural capital portfolios to assist you on your Net Zero transition and help you achieve your environmental targets.
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Looking to achieve a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) on your development site? We provide unrivalled access to off-site solutions across England ensuring you can purchase the right units for the best price.
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Climate Brokers for the UK

Cypher Climate Brokers connects the private sector with the rural economy to facilitate carbon removal and nature recovery across the UK. We are a leading all-in-one natural-capital broker with expertise spanning across carbonbiodiversity (BNG) and Nutrient Neutrality markets throughout the UK. We navigate the risks of operating within the UK’s voluntary carbon market and align organisations with projects that best suit their corporate Net Zero strategies. Businesses can invest in a variety of projects depending on their operational preferences, price sensitivity and location. Making carbon and nature investment easy, fluent and risk free is at the heart of what we do.    

Cypher Climate Brokers specialises in the UK’s voluntary carbon market and aims to drive change within it. Companies who purchase carbon credits decarbonise 2 times faster than those who do not, supporting further research that carbon credit buyers tend to be leaders in taking climate action. Making environmental investments a normality will support individual and national climate targets. Get in touch to start your Net Zero transition today.  

Similarly, within Biodiversity and Nutrient Neutrality markets, we work closely with developers to help them progress with their development sites. Achieving Nutrient Neutrality or Biodiversity Net Gain is now a mandatory stage within the planning process for developers. With exceptionally strong market knowledge and connections with project developers and unit suppliers, we are best placed to align developers with suppliers that can best satisfy their requirements. Of course, whilst ensuring best price and standards are maintained.  

Our Clients

Ground view looking towards the sky of 4 glass skyscrapers that are forming a circle in the centre


Your home for natural capital investment. Achieve your climate goals by supporting leading carbon and biodiversity projects across the UK. Get in touch to find out more about the variety of unit suppliers we work with.

Pair of hands wearing orange/brown gardening gloves replanting a small plant from a pot to a flower bed

Credit Suppliers

Are you looking to sell your high-quality carbon/biodiversity units? We drive investment to support your project development. Contact us to provide more details and we can partner you with climate conscious organisations looking to have a positive impact.

Top of an orange crane working on constructing orange and blue beams of a new building


Purchase units from our extensive list of biodiversity projects to help achieve Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) on your development sites. We can also help you measure and understand the ecological impact of your site(s) and assist with an on-site ecological uplift and management plan.

Landscape of a rural environment with large hills covered in trees with a river in the centre

Book a free introductory call so we can understand your requirements and start providing solutions immediately.