What is a carbon credit?

A carbon credit is a token representing the avoidance or removal of greenhouse gas emissions, measured in tCO2e. One carbon credit enables a company (or the credit owner) to offset 1 tonne of CO2 emissions. Buyers use carbon credits to enhance their climate credentials and sellers use them to finance activities to reduce emissions.

How much does a carbon credit cost?

Carbon credit prices vary drastically between different offset solutions and the vintage of credit. A nature based solution PIU (pending issuance Unit), varies from £20-£30. Once the unit becomes a verified carbon credit, the price increases towards and beyond £50. Engineered carbon removal prices also vary between offset solutions such as enhanced rock weathering, Direct air carbon capture and Biochar carbon removal. Prices can start at £150 and go up to and beyond £300 per tonne.

How many types of carbon credits are there and where can I buy them?

There are hundreds of different types of carbon credits that can be split into two main categories. Avoidance and removal. Carbon avoidance projects prevent additional CO2 from entering the atmosphere. These projects include renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro), preventing deforestation and community-based projects such as efficient cookstoves. Carbon removal projects directly take CO2 out of the atmosphere. These projects include nature-based solutions (afforestation, peatland restoration, biochar carbon removal (BCR), enhanced rock weathering(ERW)), and engineered carbon removal such as direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS). At CCB, we specialise in UK based carbon removal projects. Get in touch to discuss the various offset solutions we can provide.

When should I buy carbon credits?

Most data supports the thesis that the demand for carbon credits is going to increase rapidly as we approach 2030, which in turn will lead to steep price increases. As carbon credits do not have an expiry date, the obvious solution would be to purchase the credits sooner rather than later. It is also likely that companies will ‘pre-purchase’ carbon credits, meaning that it will take a few years for the CO2 to be physically sequestered. Companies cannot use the credits as an offset until the CO2 has been sequestered. Therefore, if the project you are purchasing from is going to take three years to absorb the CO2, and you are looking to achieve climate targets within the next three years, NOW is the time to buy carbon credits.

How much risk does a carbon credit purchase come with?

There are a variety of risks that come with differing project types. These risks include project failure, doubling counting, credit verification and vintage to name but a few. At CCB we work to significantly reduce the risks on your carbon purchases.

What is Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)?

From 12th February 2024, biodiversity net gain (BNG) is mandatory for all large scale developments across England. The term describes the process of achieving an overall ecological uplift on a particular site. This can be achieved either through an on-site delivery or through an off-site unit purchase. Please see our ‘blog’ for more information on BNG.

How much does a biodiversity unit cost?

Should developers fail to achieve either an on-site or off-site BNG they must then turn to the government to purchase ‘statutory units’ for which prices start at £42,000 per unit. Units on the open market will fluctuate between £20,000 and £30,000 depending on the number of units and the habitat type being purchased.

Who does BNG apply to?

The biodiversity net gain legislation applies to large-scale developments across England which DEFRA have outlined to residential development (10+ units or a site >0.5ha); and buildings greater than 1,000 square metres. However, climate conscious organisations can also support biodiversity projects across the UK to reduce their environmental impact and help to restore nature.

Where can I buy biodiversity units?

At CCB, we can connect you with off-site biodiversity unit suppliers. Sourcing units from within your developments LPA will ensure no penalties are imposed and helps to restore nature as close to the place of damage as possible. Please get in touch with us today should you have any questions or require BNG solutions.