Buying Carbon Credits

There is ample evidence identifying the value of our voluntary carbon markets (VCM) and the crucial role they play in mitigating climate change.

Reports have identified that almost all VCM buyers (78%) have set targets to reduce emissions by a specific amount; 34% of whom have an approved science-based target vs only 10% of non-buyers.

Companies who voluntarily buy carbon credits are 1.8 times more likely than non-buyers to decarbonise year-over-year and VCM buyers spend on average 3 times more on emissions reduction activities.

Understanding the risks of operating within the voluntary carbon market is crucial to a successful Net Zero transition. Let us navigate these risks for you and make your climate goals a reality.

For Business:

Get in touch to discuss the various ways we can help you to achieve your climate goals. With a range of options and project types to support, there are plenty of options to help you become a carbon neutral company.

How it works:

Book an introductory call with us to understand your corporate Net Zero strategies.
Decide on a project type that best aligns with your climate goals.
Let us highlight and navigate the risks of this process for you.
Purchase directly from these projects and begin your Net Zero transition.
Units can be retired within the registry to ensure no double counting.

Landowners and Project Developers:

Are you looking to monetise your carbon project? Get in touch with project details and we can drive investment towards it. Projects are welcome at any stage of development to be incorporated in our investment discussions. 

Our projects support nine of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, such as Climate Action, Clean Water and Sanitation, Life on Land, and Sustainable Communities. We focus on initiatives that enhance biodiversity, restore habitats, and boost local economies. Through these projects, we are dedicated to creating positive social value by generating jobs, increasing access to nature, and offering educational opportunities.