Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how we use the personal information we collect about you, how you can instruct us if you prefer to limit the use of that information and the procedures that we have in place to safeguard your privacy.

In this Privacy Policy references Cypher Climate Brokers Limited shall mean Cypher Climate Brokers and those trading as Cypher Climate Brokers Limited including the trading names of Cypher Climate Brokers Limited and its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings from time to time (as those expressions are defined in sections 736 and 258 respectively of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended). In this Privacy Policy, the expressions “we”, “us” or “our” means Cypher Climate Brokers Limited and its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings from time to time.

Cypher Climate Brokers Limited is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected in accordance with the law, and all personal information shall be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Further details of which are available from the Information Commissioner’s website .

Cypher Climate Brokers Limited is registered as Data Controller of your Information, registered in England and Wales with company number 15212675, and with registered address; 65 Peterborough Road, London, SW6 3BT.

The information we collect and how we use it
1.1 When you enquire or register for products and services provided by Cypher Climate Brokers Limited will provide us with certain personal information. This information may be provided online through our websites, by telephone, by electronic communications or via direct contact with our employees. This information will be stored on our computer systems and in our manual records.

1.2 The information that you provide will allow us to process your registration, confirm your identity and communicate with you to provide relevant products and services to suit your needs. The relevant information is then used by us, our agents and sub-contractors to communicate with you on any matter relating to your relationship with Cypher Climate Brokers Limited in general. Your information may also be transferred or forwarded to other members of Cypher Climate Brokers Limited or its group for administration, marketing or information gathering and similar purposes. Any calls that you make to our customer teams may be recorded for the purposes of our business management, training and security.

In order to comply with Money Laundering Regulations 2017, we will request personal data and documents from vendors and purchasers to confirm identity and address and, in the case of a purchase, will request evidence of funding and the source of any funds being used. We will also use some of your personal data to carry out electronic identity verification.

The data collected for the purposes of MLR 2017 will be processed for the purposes of preventing money laundering and terrorist financing and will not be used for any other purpose without your express permission. If you are using the services provided by one of our business partners (e.g. carbon project developer, carbon credit supplier, biodiversity unit supplier) we may pass your details to them for the purposes of preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.

1.3 We may, during the course of your relationship with us, request additional information relevant to the provision of specific services. This information may be shared with third parties where they are involved in the delivery of products or services. In such instances all information provided to the third party will be subject to the terms of this privacy policy and those of the relevant third party privacy policy, details of which will be made available by inclusion in any initial correspondence / documentation that is provided.

1.4 Some of the services provided by Cypher Climate Brokers Limited may be supplied by third parties and therefore we will pass on to the relevant party the information it requires in order to fulfil your needs. In order that we are able to monitor supplier performance and customer satisfaction these third parties will pass certain information such as fulfilment and complaints data back to us. Your information will be handled in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation at all times.

1.5 We will use your contact details to keep you informed about suitable products and services provided by Cypher Climate Brokers Limited and carefully selected third parties. This may involve sharing some or all of your information with carefully selected third parties.

1.6 Where information is to be shared with carefully selected third parties, Cypher Climate Brokers Limited will endeavour to provide you with a further opportunity to opt out of receiving details of individual products and services at the relevant time.

1.7 If you would prefer not to receive information from Cypher Climate Brokers Limited or carefully selected third parties you can opt out by contacting the branch, writing to the Data Protection Office at our registered address or by emailing

1.8 From time to time we may provide your information to our customer service agencies for research, survey and analysis purposes so that we can monitor and improve the services we provide.

We or our agents and sub- contractors may occasionally contact you including by post, email or telephone to ask you for your feedback and comments on our services.

How we protect your information
2.1 In line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 we follow strict security procedures to ensure that personal information is not damaged, destroyed or disclosed to a third party without your permission and to prevent unauthorised access to your information. The Information that we collect is stored in a secure facility with restricted physical access. We also use a number of security measures to prevent electronic access. Where information is shared with third parties in line with this policy similar security measures are used to protect your information.

2.2 The access to and use of the information that we collect is restricted to our employees who need the information to perform a specific job role or activity. Where information is shared with third parties in line with this policy similar security measures are used to protect your information.

2.3 Your information will be held and processed on computers within the UK and will not be transferred outside of the European Economic Area.

2.4 We will retain your information for a reasonable period or for as long as is required by law.

2.5 The Internet is not a secure medium and as such you acknowledge and agree that Cypher Climate Brokers Limited shall not, to the fullest extent permitted by law, be liable to you for any unauthorised usage, interception, distribution, damage or destruction of personal data.

2.6 When communicating with Cypher Climate Brokers Limited by email you should ensure that you take all reasonable precautions to protect any sensitive personal data.

3.0 Additional terms covering websites operated by Cypher Climate Brokers Limited.

3.1 Certain parts of the Site can be used without registration, if you are not a registered user of the Site and only visit the Site then the activities and terms outlined in clauses 3.3 and 3.9 are applicable to your usage of the site. Some services will require you to register with the Site and when you register to use the Site we need to know your name, address and other contact details

3.2 For your convenience we will store your registration information so that you do not have to complete all the sections of enquiry forms each time you use the Site.

3.3 The services provided through the Site may be supplied by third parties and therefore we will pass on to the relevant party the information it requires in order to fulfil your needs. In order that we are able to monitor usage of the Site, supplier performance and customer satisfaction these third parties will pass certain information such as fulfilment and complaints data back to us. In addition, third parties who provide content or functionality through the Site or via links from the Site may require information to be collected on the Site or via links from the Site or may pass such information back to us. In such instances all information received will be subject to the terms of the relevant third party privacy policy (in cases where they receive information) or this Privacy Policy (in instances where we receive information) and at all times handled in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation.

3.4 Where you have provided consent we may use your information to contact you about related goods and services that may be of interest to you, this may involve sharing some or all of your information with carefully selected third parties.

3.5 On occasion we carry out surveys or other promotional activities which may be for our own benefit or for more general interest. Participation in any survey is entirely optional.

3.6 We may also wish to provide you with information about special features of our Site or any special service or products which we think may be of interest to you.

3.7 Cypher Climate Brokers Limited would also like to keep you informed (by telephone, post or e-mail) of selected products and services available from us and our carefully chosen suppliers. If you would prefer not to receive this information you can update your communication preferences at any time. Alternatively please let us know by either sending an e-mail message to or by writing to us at our registered address.

3.9 Our use of Cookies

3.9.1 A cookie is a small piece of information that a site puts on your hard disk or stores in your computer’s memory so that it can remember something about you at a later time. It is a mechanism that allows the server to store its own information about a user on the user’s own computer. This is because each request for a web page is independent of all other requests, so the web page server has no memory of what pages it has shown you or anything about your previous visits. A cookie records your preferences when using a particular site, ensuring that you are not shown the same information and/or are only shown information you have stated that you are interested in. In order to use the Site you agree to let cookies be saved as they are an important part of navigation of the Site.

3.9.2 We or our third party advertisers may also use cookies to monitor the effectiveness of advertising on the Site.

3.9.3 Cookies used by this site.

A cookie is used to store your preferences for viewing search results and may contain a unique identifier so that our servers can temporarily record what search terms you used.

3.10 Please ensure you keep your password confidential and remember to log out by closing down the browser windows when not using the Site to prevent unauthorised access.

3.11 Updating your details – If any of the information that you have provided to Cypher Climate Brokers changes, for example if you change your e-mail address or name please update your by sending an e-mail message to

Your consent
4.1 BY SUBMITTING YOUR INFORMATION YOU GIVE YOUR UNCONDITIONAL CONSENT TO THE USE OF THAT INFORMATION AS SET OUT IN THIS POLICY. If we change our Privacy Policy we will post the changes on this page, and may place notices on other pages of the Site, so that you may be aware of the information we collect and how we use it. We will also e-mail you should we make any significant changes so that you may consent to our use of your information in that way. Continued use of the service will signify that you agree to any such changes.

4.2 Where in any case you provide information about individuals other than yourself you warrant that you have obtained that person’s consent to the use of such information.

How to contact Cypher Climate Brokers Limited
5.1 We welcome your views about the Site and our Privacy Policy. If you would like to contact us with any enquiries or comments please send an e-mail to

5.2 If you wish to make a data subject access request (a request for access to your personal data) under the Data Protection Act 1998, please write to Cypher Climate Brokers Limited, 65 Peterborough Road, London, SW6 3BT or email to and we shall acknowledge your request and confirm what we will need from you to carry out your request.